Do You Need to Move Out of Your Home?
When a sheriff appears at your door to serve you with a foreclosure notice, it can be a scary event. A foreclosure complaint & summons is the legal document you receive when a foreclosure lawsuit is filed against you. This happens when your lender sues you for failure to make payments on your mortgage.
Faced with this frightening legal document, your first thought is “do I need to move out of my home?”
No. Even though a law enforcement officer has served you with a foreclosure complaint, it does not mean that you need to leave your home at that time.
Contact a Foreclosure Attorney
When a mortgage complaint is filed, what should you do next?
The best thing you can do when served legal documents is to contact an attorney right away. What is frightening and difficult for you to follow is an area of law in which our attorneys have years of experience. We know the deadlines that need to be met and how to draft a written response that answers each detail of the lawsuit.

We can advise you on your best course of action, whether to admit or deny the allegations in the suit, or to request more information. At Harold Shepley & Associates, our goal is to give you the best chance to save your home. We even offer a FREE consultation to help you navigate the variety of legal options available for you in the case of a mortgage foreclosure.
Foreclosure Options
Options to help you keep your home might include:
- Refinance
- Reinstatement
- Repayment plan
- Forbearance plan
- Modification
- Bankruptcy
Options to walk away from your home can include:
- Short Sale
- Deed in Lieu
- Bankruptcy
During your consultation with a Foreclosure Specialist at Harold Shepley & Associates, we take the time to review your financial situation and we will provide an overview of the options available and what might be best for you.
We will also provide an overview of the foreclosure process and walk you through every step so that you are not alone during this time. You can learn more on our Mortgage Foreclosure Defense page.
When it Comes to a Home Foreclosure – Act Quickly!
Be sure to contact an attorney’s office as soon as possible. By trying to handle the lawsuit on your own or waiting too long to call an experienced attorney, you are limiting the options that are available to you.
Harold Shepley & Associates Can Help
Need help with a mortgage foreclosure complaint? At Harold Shepley and Associates, LLC, we experience dealing with these situations every day. We are a full service law firm that is client-oriented and will work hard to meet your personal needs in resolving debt.
Call us today at 877-827-9006, or complete our easy to use contact form. We’re ready to help.